The Perfect Routine (for me)

Routines are hard for me. There are many reasons why that probably is, but trying to pinpoint them all just traps me in my Ivory Mind Tower of Analysis Paralysis. 

All that matters is that I find something that helps me accomplish everything I want to do, in an optimal order, without overwhelming me by being time sensitive. 

My Solution: Routine Flow Maps!

I've been tweaking this one for a while, testing different orders and tasks. I think this iteration will serve me well for the foreseeable future. 

This lets me visualize my evening and morning, holistically. It also frees me from strict structure that, when I inevitably fail to follow, causes self-disappointment and a build up of shame.


Always remember, the only right way to do something is the way that helps you actually do the thing to the standard you can live with.

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