Fashion is Made Up: There are no rules.

Clothes. You have to wear them most places. 


Thankfully, you can also use them for self-expression on top of the practical, climate-resistant, and activity-based uses they serve.


Following trends is unnecessary, but creating trends is exhilarating.

Don’t tell me what to wear. 

I do what I want.


Clothes are real needs, and can be artistic, and they are completely a “You” experience. No one can tell you what is right and wrong. There are rules that you can follow that will allow you to control your effect on the onlooker, but you don’t necessarily have to do that. The only time there is a “correct” way to wear something is if you are trying to go for a specific message. Clothes can be like the marketing campaign of who you are presenting yourself to be. But, they can also just cover your body so you can go about your day. 




That being said, dressing up is a spice of life that can bring joy to yourself and those around you :D 

There are exponential ways to style clothing, and the easiest way to re-fresh an outfit is jewelry and accessories!

It is the icing on the cake that is you.   

What is life without any frivolity? It is a way to add a little celebration to your being and to your day. 

Not to mention, while a lot of what we wear  is for the outside-in gaze, jewelry can serve personal purposes that no one else needs to be a part of. 

Bells on your ear lobes sing to you all day, like tiny happy wind chimes.

Textures galore are a sensory delight to the individual who needs to fidget. 

little mementos on your wrists can remind you of happy times or mindful thoughts. 

Jewelry can also serve as the exclamation point to your outfit. The point of clothing, to me, has always been, first and foremost, to protect my being from the weather. The second has always been to express my inner-most self like a big ol’ billboard. Jewelry is like…. the font and punctuation of the outfit. It just seems so much more COMPLETE when you add that little something.


Just remember one thing: You can make an outfit out of anything ;)


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