Mantras, Gratitude, and Manifestations

One thing I learned unexpectedly is that mantras and things are more effective when you think them and hear them, instead of saying them aloud. For me to think things over and over, I need to read it. My hack is to use a read text aloud app to tell me the following: 



I am filled with vitality

I am intelligent, clever, and quick witted

I am a being of positivity, hope, and generosity

I am physically and emotionally strong and capable

I will fill today with joy, happiness and laughter

my life is filled with opportunities to learn and grow both personally and professionally

wealth comes easily to me

I will have an amazing day because I deserve it

my natural state is one of peace, kindness and love

Success is inevitable for me

the path that I am on is bright and becoming ever brighter

the universe is conspiring in my favor

I am a good-fortune magnet



I'm grateful for the many blessings in my life

I am grateful for the wealth brought to me by the universe and my own efforts

I am grateful for life's challenges and the valuable lessons they have taught me

I am grateful for my health and the ability to take care of my body and mind with nourishing food, exercise, and medicine

I'm grateful for the people in my life who I can lean on for support

I am grateful for the abundance of nature and beauty that surrounds me every day

I am grateful for all the past experiences I have had that have led me to this point

I am grateful for the small everyday moments of joy that add up to a life well lived

I am grateful for all the lessons that have been passed down to me, allowing me to be so much wiser than the sum of my experiences

I am grateful for the ability to find joy and beauty in the midst of difficult circumstances



I am excited for all the opportunities I have to meet new people, explore new interests, and conquer new challenges

I am ready, capable and prepared to be successful

I am clever, knowledgeable, and wise in ways that help me excel personally as well as help others in the ways they need and appreciate

I love, value, and respect my mind and the way it functions

my life is filled with opportunities to learn and grow both personally and professionally

I am authentic and express myself freely

I have an innate power of forgiveness that heals my relationships and soul 

I welcome all positive energy into my life and kindly reject any negative energy

I will leave this day satisfied with the choices I have made

I am a uniquely valuable person

I am a likable weirdo

I am cute and competent simultaneously

I am open-minded, understanding, patient and accepting

I accept and embrace growth

I use the power of empathy to connect with others on a deeper level, strengthening all my relationships

I release my internal criticism, fear, and doubt

I trust that everything is unfolding as it should

I love who I was yesterday, I love who I am today, and I love who I will be tomorrow

I choose to focus on the present

I am deserving of respect both from myself and others, and will carry myself accordingly

I will take small actionable steps toward my goals

I am adaptable to whatever situations may arise

I will remember that questions are the gateway to understanding and connection

I am open to new opportunities and will approach them with a sense of curiosity and wonder

I know my innate worth, which cannot be affected by external forces

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